No match error when testing an Express.js controller doing multiple calls to a same backend


Getting Nock: No match for request ... with error code ERR_NOCK_NO_MATCH


I had a controller requesting the same backend service but onto 2 different endpoints. My intent was to mock these calls using the great "HTTP server mocking and expectations library for Node.js" Nock. This intent take the form of the below code:

const scope = nock('http://backend')
	.reply(200, {
		userId: 123,
		email: ''
	.reply(200, {
		data: {
			// data to be returned

When my controller was reaching the /user/details endpoint it was being matched and resolved, but when it was reaching the /api on it was getting Nock: No match for request /api exception.

I knew that interceptors, as stated in the Nock documentation, are removed as they are used. Though, in my opinion I did not considered the /api as yet used because of the misleading message telling me it could not be matched.


The solution was to append the call to the .persist() method between nock('http://backend') and get('/user/details') as shown in code below:

const scope = nock('http://backend')
	.reply(200, {
		userId: 123,
		email: ''
	.reply(200, {
		data: {
			// data to be returned

I would have found the .persist() call to be more intuitive if scoped at endpoint level rather than at hostname level though. Well at least now my test passes 🎉.